The Daily Haiku

A world of five - seven - five. At one time daily, now kind of sporadic.

Monday, July 31, 2006

This week's theme: Divination

To see paths ahead
He reads lines within the hands
Old Cheiromancer.

July 28, 2006

This week's theme: Astronomy

Clouds of gas and dust
Nebulas create beauty
In the vast blackness

July 27, 2006

This week's theme: Astronomy

A cosmic monster
Devours all that comes near
The dreaded black hole

July 26, 2006

This week's theme: Astronomy

Through the Milky Way
The stars of our galaxy
Shine from years ago

July 25, 2006

This week's theme: Astronomy

During ancient times
Comets were seen as omens
Either good or bad

July 24, 2006

This week's theme: Astronomy

Tunguska event
A meteoric airburst
Siberia shook

July 21, 2006

This week's theme: Superheroes

Son of the Devil,
Fighting both Heaven and Hell,
He's Daimon Hellstorm.

July 20, 2006

This week's theme: Superheroes

An anti-hero,
Who rides a souped-up space hog,
Chaotic Lobo.

July 19, 2006

This week's theme: Superheroes

With his great hammer,
And indomitable strength,
Thor protects the world.

July 18, 2006

This week's theme: Superheroes

Body wrapped in gauze
He's part of the Doom Patrol
The Negative Man

July 17, 2006

This week's theme: Superheroes

Just a mortal man
Fighting crime with archery
Go, Green Arrow, Go

July 14, 2006

Lady Artemis,
The most skilled with bow and spear.
Goddess of the Hunt.

July 13, 2006

Old Prometheus
He brought humanity fire
and taught offerings.

July 11, 2006

It's my birthday, yeah
My birthday, birthday, birthday
Dig it now, bitches!

July 10, 2006

Mighty Heracles,
Strongest of the demi-gods,
Completed twelve tasks.

July 9, 2006

Maenads, wild women
Also known as the Bacchae
Live for the excess

July 07, 2006

Sirens sing their song
To lure sailors to their death
In the Aegean (sea)

July 06, 2006

Superman ain't dead.
He's flying through the skies now.
Fighting all evil.